Sunday, October 23, 2011


Very heavy feeling in uterus, can be crampy at times - even though I'm still on all the anti- cramp meds. Roller coaster of emotions. Majorly comfort eating...sweets, chocs, cakes u name it!
Kinda looking forward to work tomorrow to just keep busy. Thinking of testing on Thursday but what if it's a bfn? Will I be able to face work on Friday? The kids are all dressing up for Halloween in school that day....maybe i could wear a mask and cry behind it all day!!!


  1. Ahhh I know those emotions all too well. School does always tend to take my mind off things though, which helps. Thanks for keeping us updated. We're all pulling for you!!!

  2. :( I'm rooting for you. More than you know.

  3. Thanks girls...the support really helps :)

  4. Hi,
    Hang in there, the 2WW is sooooo hard!
    When I've been pregnant I've had that kind of crampy pre-period feeling like crazy...enough so that I was SURE my period was about to start but it was a BFP both times. So I think it's a good sign!
    Fingers crossed!
