Monday, October 25, 2010


AF arrived this morning. Killing me with cramps but delighted to be starting a new cycle. I've to call clinic today and make an appointment for a scan tomorrow - hopefully if all goes well, I'll start on BCP and get a schedule for FET.

Wednesday, October 20, 2010


Well got the call from the clinic today!

11 embies made it to blast! Cannot actually believe it!

Such a weight lifted!!!

Tuesday, October 19, 2010


Was suffering from OHSS the past few days - nasty stuff. Starting to feel better now!

Tomorrow I will get a call from clinic about how many embies made it to blast....getting nervous now.

Friday, October 15, 2010


Well out of 28 eggs, 19 were mature and 15 fertilised!

The clinic said they will freeze the embryos that make it to day 5 (Blasts), so should get a call next Tue/Wed!

In for a scan tomorrow morning so hopefully I should have an outline of how the FET will work!

Thursday, October 14, 2010

Egg Collection

Well Egg Collection went ahead today. Got EXTRA sedation which was great! Can't believe it but they got 28 eggs!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


Unfortunately this means they have to do an elective freeze and do a FET next month. The doc said they have a cut off at 20 eggs and would never put embryos back in at the risk of developing OHSS.

So I am delighted that things went well. Would love to do transfer next week but have to trust the professionals here! At least I will have a good few weeks to chill and relax and prepare for transfer!

Tomorrow the embryologist will call with the number of fertilised eggs!

Friday, October 8, 2010


Had Intralipids infusion today - took 3 hours!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Think the main aim is to suppress immune system so that when the embryos are transfered, my body will not attack them.

Wednesday, October 6, 2010


Another scan today - doc was pleased with progress. Think I have a few follicles around the 10mm mark. He said all the follicles are roughly the same size which is a good sign.

I have to start orgalutran injections tomorrow morning to prevent ovulation. Back in for another scan on Friday and Intralipid infusion to suppress immune system.

I think the steroids are seriously affecting my sleep - haven't slept well these past few days. Not sure if it is stress from work or the steroids.

The nurse was talking about possible Egg collection next Wednesday - this all sounds too good to be true! The short protocol is definitely much quicker.

Sunday, October 3, 2010

Let the fun begin

Had scan yesterday and started the injections last night. I'm on Puregon, Claxane, Steroids, Aspirin, Folic Acid, B Vits and far!!!!!!!!

Feel WRECKED today though :(